Letter to ODFW: Another Black Bear Killing & Abuse Against Wildlife Rehabilitation

ACRN Speaking at ODFW Commission Meeting

Today I will be testifying in this August’s ODFW Commission Meeting to talk about the unnecessary killing of an infant black bear, and abuse of power used by the agency against Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center and the rehabilitator who tried to care for the bear.

On August 3rd I sent a letter to the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Commissin and Director addressing this, which is shown below. My hope is that this Commission will take these words to heart, and reverse the damage that has been done, or at least what can be. Lastly, that they will make a serious, good-faith reassessment of how this agency’s Wildlife Division approaches wildlife protection and rehabilitation efforts in Oregon, both by licensed professionals and

A few others who will also testify about this are:

    • Mary Bliss, former rehabilitator, Turtle Ridge founder and board president
    • Jackie Marsden, former Washington rehabilitator, founder of Squirrel Refuge and ACRN colleague
    • Scott Beckstead, animal law professor, director of campaigns for Animal Wellness Action; Center for a Humane Economy
    • Bob Sallinger, director of conservation for Portland Audubon

Thank you to all involved, including Kelly Peterson of the United States Humane Society and Brooks Fahy of Predator Defense, whose advice and behind-the-scenes organizing helped make this story come to light.

Footage of the Meeting will be uploaded later this evening.

Open Letter to ODFW's Commission

August 3, 2021

To Chair Mary Wahl, Vice-Chair Greg Wolley,

Members of the Commission: 
Becky Hatfield-Hyde, Kathayoon Khalil, Mark Labhart, Bob Spelbrink, Jill Zarnowitz,

And Director Curt Melcher,

Thank you for your time. My name is Ben Thomas, and I represent a nonprofit called Animal Conservation & Rehabilitation Network (ACRN). Our mission is to support all wildlife protection efforts through advocacy, community building, and collaborative partnerships.

My purpose is to confront and challenge a misadventure carried out by this agency not unlike the April 7th incident in Ashland. This similarly involved the needless killing of a black bear cub. As with the treatment of a Fire Chief trying to save a life, this case was also handled with excessive and unwarranted use, if not outright abuse, of authority. This incident occurred in Salem, just days before the one in Ashland, and its victims were Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center (TRWC) and wildlife rehabilitator Jessy Gill. As it happens, my wife and I were on site and witnessed the incident when it occurred. 

If this agency considers itself an ally to wildlife protection, conservation, and perhaps justice, then I call on the Commission and Director to exercise your authority to ameliorate the harm this mistake has caused, foremost by restoring Jessy Gill’s wildlife permit to its previous status.

The incident at TRWC took place on April 2nd and involved OSP Trooper Ronald Clement and ODFW Biologist Ann Myers. OSP arrived on site at 3:49pm after Director and licensed rehabilitator Jessy Gill contacted the agency to inform them about a two-month-old black bear that had been brought to her on April 1st around 7:30pm, after ODFW office hours. After conducting her examination, Jessy worked to combat the cub’s dehydration, providing fluid treatment throughout the night and into the morning. 

My wife and I are not TRWC volunteers but do sometimes help the center. This is why we arrived at TRWC on April 2nd at 11:15am; to help assemble raccoon enclosures for the spring. It wasn’t until 12:00pm that Jessy met with us. After giving instructions for the enclosures, she told us why she’d slept in so late. She then left to notify ODFW of her possession of the cub. First a volunteer called the agency’s office at 12:38pm, and then Jessy emailed Myers at 1:44pm with more detail. 

At 3:49pm we noticed Mr. Clement wandering the property facilities looking for the cub. He told us he was only there to examine the cub, though we knew better. Nonetheless both Jessy, my wife and I fully cooperated, knowing there was nothing we could do to save the cub. A younger trooper appeared, and as soon as they were given access to the cub, he left without a word to retrieve a kennel to take the cub. Ms. Myers’ arrived shortly after, and they loaded the cub into her truck. 

ODFW had the cub put down, and with no reason or explanation ever given.

Clement then issued Jessy Gill a criminal citation for violating OAR 635-044-0240: “If a permitted rehabilitator is provided with a black bear, the rehabilitator must notify the Department immediately and follow the Department’s directions concerning disposal.” ODFW later issued their own citation (OAR 635-062-0025(2)), suspending her rehabilitation permit with intent to revoke. 

On June 18th Commissioner Labhart read a prepared statement during this commission’s monthly meeting. This was in proposal for a designated workgroup. In that statement he cited Chintimini as the only wildlife rehabilitation center serving the Salem area, and that it had seen a 30 – 40% increase in wildlife calls. This is not surprising, as up to two months prior there were two centers in the Salem area; the other of course was Turtle Ridge. 

TRWC serves not only the Salem area but is the only full-species center in the Portland area. The center intakes an average of 2,000 animals annually, the majority occurring in Spring. When this agency decided to suspend Jessy’s license, it effectively shut down TRWC just before the seasonal deluge of calls and did so over a technicality. Thus, most calls, roughly five times the actual intake, had to go elsewhere. The predictable outcome is that this further burdened and overwhelmed even large centers like Chintimini and Portland Audubon. On June 20th Executive Director Sarah Spangler said in an article that this year was the first in Chintimini’s thirty-year history they’ve had to close their doors to new patients. She cited the closures of two nearby centers as the reason why, and one of those two was Turtle Ridge.

Most of the estimated annual 2,000 animals have already died needlessly this year because TRWC was not allowed to perform its public service and rehabilitate them. It took almost two decades for TRWC to build its capacity since its founding in 2005. Its permanent closure would be a devastating setback, and countless more preventable animal deaths will continue for years to come. This is the heavy consequence of this agency’s flippant use of power.

Even more severe, as drought and wildfire devastate the already receding wildlife habitats of Oregon, much of the populations of wildlife are wiped out with it. Those that survive are displaced, and having no territory available to them, are often forced to encroach onto human residential and agricultural lands. This then falls to ODFW to ‘manage,’ which usually means kill. Thus, this spiral of death continues. Yet as the effects of climate change become evident and are anticipated to worsen, the need to protect wildlife and their habitats has never been greater. However, the number of licensed wildlife rehabilitators has been cut in half in just this past decade. Many who still hold their licenses have scaled back or are on the brink of collapse.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and while the number of licensed rehabilitators declines, the demand for this public service grows. This imbalance inevitably gives rise to non-licensed rehabilitators working underground. Most begin as finders who had no help available to them, and thus take on the role themselves. While well-meaning, the absence of proper training, education, guidance and support often leads to great harm that is unintentionally inflicted on the very animals they’re trying to save, and ODFW has virtually no ability to influence or regulate them.

Wildlife Rehabilitation is a legal public service. Rehabbers work to mitigate the harm that human intervention regularly inflicts against wildlife, just as conservationists do for their habitats. Yet wildlife rehabilitation in Oregon is given no support, financial or otherwise. Instead of working with rehabilitators they are often given adversarial treatment by ODFW, or by OSP on their behalf. Unlike the Ashland incident of April, and the Eugene Bobcat incident of 2019, there are too many stories like mine that never reach the light of day. Out of fear of the very kind of retaliation ODFW has exemplified in these cases, wildlife rehabbers stay silent while the issue festers in darkness. 

I appreciate Vice-Chair Wolley acknowledging that there is a negative perception of ODFW, though I clearly contest the assertion that this animus is merely the result of ignorance on the part of the public. The way in which ODFW interacts not just with the public, but with the people who work to protect wildlife, has cultivated an atmosphere of distrust and hostility. If our shared interests are aligned, then ODFW’s approach should be to work as partners in wildlife protection. Instead, these groups are ‘managed’ in ways that too often parallel wildlife this agency considers nuisance. The collaborative partnerships we see from ODFW instead are in the hunting, fishing, logging, ranching, and agricultural sectors, whereas wildlife protection efforts are policed. 

To further illustrate the point, a story came out this July about four men who were convicted for poaching several Bull Trout in Pendleton, trespassing tribal lands to fish the Metolius River in the Deschutes National Forest. For committing felony poaching of a federally protected threatened species, one received a sentence of three years’ probation, a $1,000 fine, and 40 hours of community service. The other three received variations of the same. Compare this to the citation Mr. Clement issued Jessy, which carries a $6,500 fine and a year in jail. While OSP’s citation was dropped, being meritless, ODFW’s citation and suspension persists, leaving the center indefinitely closed. What kind of message does this disparity send? 

A study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that from 1970 to 2014, populations of all animals fell by an average of 60% across the globe. As director of science and conservation Mike Barrett says, “Nature is not a ‘nice to have’ — it is our life-support system.” In the face of this global crisis, how is it that criminal poachers are treated with significantly greater deference for the intentional harm of a threatened species, while legally licensed wildlife rehabilitators work in fear of getting the book at thrown them for trying to mitigate the insurmountable harm that human activity inflicts on wildlife? How is this not completely backwards? 

As TRWC was in the process of moving to a new site, the new property managers changed their minds about the lease agreement, and in February they filed an eviction lawsuit against the center. TRWC was out $30,000 paid as part of the agreement for the construction of critical infrastructure that the landlords refused to build. This left the center displaced across multiple sites while scrambling to find a new location yet again. ODFW was acutely aware of TRWC’s situation and how strained its financial and volunteer resources were. Either they or OSP were at the new property on a near-weekly basis. Mr. Clement confirmed this to me when I spoke with him on April 2nd. Throughout this time and amidst the pandemic, Turtle Ridge has cooperated and worked with ODFW throughout a very difficult situation. Yet ODFW did not hesitate to jump at the opportunity to shut the center down. 

In review of the facts, TRWC was contacted about the cub after ODFW was closed, and in an effort to save it, stayed up all night providing fluids. When she awoke the next afternoon, I was waiting outside her door demanding her attention. Black bears and cougars are the only animals for which ODFW stipulates ‘immediate’ contact instead of the more common 24-hour requirement. Also, this was one of two black bears TRWC has taken in its seventeen-year history. Regardless, given the circumstances, Jessy Gill did in fact contact ODFW at her most reasonably immediate availability, as vague as the parameter is. Despite cooperating with both, neither ODFW nor OSP attempted to communicate with Jessy to better understand the situation. Or had they, then the issuance of the citation and the suspension of Jessy’s license is not only absurd but also vindictive. 

Attached is a letter from 2018 in which Mary Bliss, TRWC founder and Director at the time, describes a very similar scenario. A black bear was brought to TRWC at 7:00pm. By 8:00am the next morning Nancy Taylor, another ODFW biologist, was already there ready to write her up. Taylor had previously instructed TRWC specifically to not call ODFW after business hours because the state did not allow them to work outside their shifts. TRWC was subjected to this overtly authoritarian treatment anyway. What other word more aptly describes this no-win situation than to call it a trap?

Commissioners, Director, as the governing leadership of ODFW, I urge you to rectify this disaster that should have never happened: restore Jessy Gill’s rehabilitation license to its previous status, before this excessive punishment was leveled against her and Turtle Ridge.

Furthermore, I strongly encourage you to make full use of this workgroup, taken up by Commissioners Labhart and Khalil, to examine and address how ODFW staff approaches encounters like these. There needs to be more than simply looking for ways to wallpaper over unwanted public attention. There needs to be introspection on this agency’s relationship to wildlife, wildlife workers, and the public; to where it should be versus where it actually is. Finally, there needs to be real, meaningful change, in both ODFW policy and culture.

A major step towards rebuilding trust in the community is to conduct this workgroup with open transparency, visible to the public. Second is to include not only ODFW staff in the workgroup, but also wildlife advocates and rehabilitators. Bob Sallinger, Danielle Moser and Scott Beckstead are great examples, all of whom testified in the legislative hearings (HB 2286). Finally, it is essential that this workgroup reflects on the agency’s demonstrated pattern of too readily responding to wildlife encounters with lethal action, and its excessive dispensing of punishment directed at people trying to help, whether misguided or otherwise. 

These steps will go a long way in building rapport with not only the people of Oregon whom you serve, but also the wildlife rescue and rehabilitation community with whom the state should be working in unison with instead of in opposition to. 

Thank you again for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me by phone or email, should you have any questions.



Benjamin Thomas


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  1. Roslyn Worcester

    I’m outraged by the actions of ODFW towards the baby black bear, TRWC, & rehabillatator, Jessie Gill. TRWC performs such a necessary service to the Salem area for the care of injured & orphaned wildlife. My husband & I have taken 3 injured wildlife (2 baby birds & a squirrel) to TRWC for emergency care. They were always available to accept & treat these injured animals on a moment’s notice. Please let us know how we can support TRWC against this punitive treatment by ODFW.

  2. Renee Ivy

    The actions of ODFW was a complete abuse of power. If someone wants to called immediately then provide wildlife rescues a phone number available 24/7. The point of wildlife rehabs is for animals like this baby black bear who could have been saved and returned to the wild. Many states have these and Oregon NEEDS TRWC especially in these times with these fires. Please let them open their doors again! Please! We have lost too many in these fires. We need to save those that can be saved. Thank you.

  3. Sharon Shipman

    I would think rather than revoking a license of a responsible wildlife rehabilitation facility, ODFW would appreciate the help !! There are hundreds if not thousands of Oregon’s wildlife that have LOST EVERYTHING !! Rather than welcoming some support in difficult times, someone behind a desk has put into practice non common sense rules !! So, far these have left at least ONE BABY BEAR DEAD !! He may have been very willing to fight for his life !! How many more of our Wildlife will be unwilling victims of more violence and NOT COMPASSION !! Give Turtle Ridge their license BACK and Welcome their HELP !!

  4. Brook Henry

    You have my heart and soul supporting you. Shame on you ODFW

  5. Krista Campbell

    Would it help for people in the community to send letters to the group as well? We need Turtle Ridge!

  6. Cassandra Forste


  7. Linda Minten

    It would be interesting to know the statistics with ODFW on their response and care for wildlife – as in how many do they rehabilitate vs kill. This policy of killing seems in conflict with the animal welfare protection laws in our state. ODFW should be held to a higher standard then the public.. not given a pass to euthanize at will for convenience.

  8. Sharon Gustafson

    I strongly support Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center. They are reputable and perform a much needed important service to Oregon’s sick, injured and abandoned wildlife. ODFW should be required to reinstate Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center’s license to operate immediately.

    The actions are shameful. They receive funding from several sources that could influence their decisions:

    ODFW’s treatment of Turtle Ridge Wildlife Center and Oregon’s wildlife should not be taken lightly.

  9. Pam

    Luckily I have never had the need to contact TRWC, but am a total supporter in what they do. They need their license reinstated and an reason why the ODFW did nothing to try to save that bear cub. ODFW’s action of this situation needs to be sent to someone who has power over them, though I don’t know who that is, their actions were uncalled for and wrong.

  10. Jocelyn Lewis

    We need wildlife rehabilitation, especially in this day and age with increased fires. Please reconsider. Thank you.

  11. Laurie Kudna

    I think its time for Change at ODFW. Maybe we need to change the leadership that keeps killing our orphaned and hurt wildlife. This little poor black bear is not the only one they have murdered. YES MURDERED. We are a great state that should look after our resources. The animals need us to help them out not KILL THEM when they need us the most. Sorry but KEEP Untied State Humane Society out of it. They are animals worse nightmare. If any help is needed. I am willing to help make this happen. Time to clean house at ODFW.

  12. Linda Varela

    How tragic and senseless for this cub to be
    Killed. He wasn’t a harm to people or himself. Every one needs to answer to their actions
    Especially ones with so much power!!

  13. Monica c

    These poor animals do not deserve to be treated so horrible, he could have been taken care of, instead ,you would rather take his life, it’s just so sad, no excuse for it, and who makes these decisions? These animals have no choice, we do, stop killing these animals

  14. Lisa Holk

    Outraged that the beat cub was euthanized. Everyone was working so hard and as fast as they could to help this poor animal. Procedures were followed as swiftly as they could – given the circumstances.

  15. Linda Brown

    Tragic that ODFW killed the black bear cub. Shame on ODFW. To close Turtle Ridge is a purely vicious, retaliatory move. ODFW has lost any credibility as a government agency.

  16. Sharon Steele

    This is a disgusting abuse of power and a burden on citizens trying to find help with injured wildlife. I am disgusted at the actions of ODFW and have made my opinions known to them, the Governor, and Senators Merkley and Wyden.

    We are in a climate crisis and wildlife needs help more than ever. This can’t stand!

  17. ELizabeth Steiner

    ODFW does NOT do rehabilitation or care for injured animals. When I’ve called thru say “let nature take it’s course. After death put them in a trash bag in your garbage.” I’m sorry but rehabs like Turtle Ridge show compassion and provide care! We need them.

  18. Laurel Visher

    ODFW you need to reassess your actions, is few hours of not being notified worth shutting down a long standing we’ll run wildlife rehab facility? Especially in times like these where wildlife need more help than ever recovering from fires! Get your head out of the sand and see the big picture. This should not be about retaliation or control, it’s about making the best decision for you wildlife community.

  19. Sarah Snapp

    This is such a terrible thing that has happened to the Bear and Turtle Ridge! I can’t believe this was the way things were handled especially since the devastation that is happening and need for additional support. The baby bear didn’t deserve this and neither did the center that tried to save it!

  20. Nicole Kay

    Please let us know what action needs to be taken. This is clearly a situation of a government agency following some outlined policy instead of thinking of the overall situation and determining how best to benefit our community/state/wildlife. In one word, Bureaucracy. That cub’s life was the price and the people of our state do not have to stand by to allow this to happen. I am available to write letters, make phone calls and call out individuals needing to be removed in order to change the direction of this organization. One black bear cub was one too many.

  21. Fred Roes

    TRWC has been wildlife savior for over 2 decades. Rescuing thousands of fur & feather animals in very ill condition. Their release rate was over 60%. The service that was provided by TRWC was outstanding. The public was always was always very grateful when a injured animal was picked up. ODFW had no problem telling folks to call T/R to pick up a injured animal yet never offered any help only criticism.They treated the Director like a criminal. T/R handled 1000 to 1200 phone calls per month!! I wonder who is handling those calls now.ODWF should have been happy that T/R was taking a huge burden from them. ODWF wildlife management is life the Ostrich “STICK YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND.”

  22. Jessica Bond

    The person or persons who made the decision to not only euthanize the bear cub but also to revoke a license of someone who runs a wildlife rehabilitation, is truly a despicable human. We need to find out exactly who made these decisions and the news channels should be alerted. ODFW should be ashamed. What a terrible job they are doing for the wild life in our beautiful state.

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  182. but this extra happiness tends to dissipate within a couple of years,ラブドール 販売” according to a report in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that reviewed 188 related studies.

  183. ラブドール 高級John Gottman’s groundbreaking research into marital stability and divorce prediction further underscores the importance of supporting each other’s personal growth journeys.According to Gottman,

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  185. the reasons why they cheated not only impacted their affairs but their primary relationship as well.Motivations for cheating impacted the length of affairs.ラブドール

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    ラブドール 販売since the spontaneous starting point is a positive one.There are eight key motivations that lead people to be unfaithful,

  194. , 15 and younger) was also associated with sexual pleasur They note that while age appears to play a role, age alone does not touch on maturity nor emotional readiness and, thus, may not be an overly reliable measuring stick for predicting sexual pleasurAs you can see in the following graph, British children who are described by their teachers as “attractive” at age 7 are less likely to have a son as their first child 40 years later than those who are not so described.The proportion of sons among the “attractive” NCDS respondents is .エロ ラブドール

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    ラブドール オナニーLikewise,women with more conservative values may subscribe to the belief that they must remain sexually purConservative women are more likely to withhold their authentic desires and also more likely to experience sexual guilt and sham Women who subscribed to traditional gender roles tended to have sex only or mostly when their partner initiated.

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  197. College women reported lower expectations of experiencing pleasure outside of orgasms during sexual activity than college men,リアル ラブドールwhereas the community sample of women reported equally high expectancies of non-orgasmic pleasure as the online sample of men.

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  199. the “spectator” not only can bask in the experience of being physically irresistible to the hero but—through simultaneously distancing herself from anything that might be too disturbing about the heroine’s deflowering—also maintain sufficient control over the situation.The formulaic ending of the romantic adventure is that whereas the innocent,ラブドール エロ

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  205. which has data on the respondents’ completed fertility at age 47 (virtually all men and women complete their lifetime reproduction by age 45),ラブドールreplicates the earlier findings from the Add Health data in the United States and show that physically more attractive parents are indeed more likely to have daughters than physically less attractive parents.

  206. ラブドールCheating’s Aftermath: The Affair PartnerWhat happened with the affair partner? The affairs rarely resulted in real relationships with only one out of 10 of the affairs ultimately turning into a full-fledged committed relationship (11 percent).Mo

  207. the way that desire discrepancies affect relationships vary,オナホ 新作and researchers are still working to better understand the nuances of how sexual desire discrepancies impact sexual and romantic relationships.

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    The common neural pathways to sexual desire and love lead researchers to suggest that love grows out of the pleasant feelings of sexual desire and fulfillment (Cacioppo et al.エロ ラブドール, Whether your relationship is brand new or decades old, good sex can make your relationship closer.

  210. オナホ 高級A study by Zara and Özdemir (2018) explored the sexual behaviors of persons with narcissistic personality disorders.Consistent with what has been previously reported,

  211. and women are expected to take on a more submissive role to their male partners.Gender roles play a complex role in sexual desir While research universally shows that men have higher desires than wo presumably due to higher testosterone levels,ラブドール オナニー

  212. ダッチワイフ エロIt’s important to communicate clearly what you are comfortable and not comfortable with when exploring rough sex with a partner.Porn research does not typically focus on women’s experiences,

  213. オナホ 高級Sexual narcissists tend to only care about their own pleasure and not the emotional or sexual needs of their partner.In the case of sexual coercion or violence,

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  215. ラブドールPhysical attractiveness of the NCDS respondents is measured at age 7 by their teachers,who choose up to three adjectives from a highly eclectic list of five to describe the children physically: “attractive,

  216. ラブドールPhysical attractiveness of the NCDS respondents is measured at age 7 by their teachers,who choose up to three adjectives from a highly eclectic list of five to describe the children physically: “attractive,

  217. ラブドール 販売” This is my own coinage,because I refuse to apply the term “feminist” to a sort of twisted male chauvinist who believes that women are not good enough as we are and should therefore strive to think,

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  221. ラブドール エロor exercising.What Strategies Were More (and Less) Effective?The authors then asked whether any of the above-mentioned strategies were more or less successful at navigating desire discrepancies in participants’ relationships.

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    リアル ラブドールhas exploded in popularity and attention over the past decad This fantasy is extremely popular in online pornography and has garnered significant mainstream attention,particularly as the term “cuck” was co-opted in modern conservative politics.

  224. I need to feel comfortable and relaxed with nothing to worry about.ラブドール 女性 用It is not uncommon for me to just stop in the middle of it simply because I’m worried about something or I’ve lost the mood.

  225. オナホ 新作whereas attachment anxiety was associated with higher desir This finding reinforces the idea that individuals higher in avoidant attachment may have less of an interest in sex as a way of avoiding intimacy,whereas individuals higher in anxious attachment may use sex as a way to connect or seek reassurance from their partners.

  226. オナホ 高級people should develop a safety plan and reach out for help.How equal is your sexual relationship? Is the sexual focus in the bedroom more about your partner and less about you? If it’s all about them and not about you,

  227. ドール アダルトWhether to escape the vulnerability of being the initiator or simply to take a break from depending on another to meet their sexual needs,some men prefer masturbating over partnered sex.

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  229. オナホ 高級A study by Zara and Özdemir (2018) explored the sexual behaviors of persons with narcissistic personality disorders.Consistent with what has been previously reported,

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